10 October 2010

come and dine

it has been a stressful day at work. event here, audit there. deadline here, conflicts there. plus one of the general managers phoned me to pick a fight over something that was beyond me. i guess my human spirit was just too tired to shout back. or maybe, i was just pretty much convinced that his tantrums are just a whiff of passing insignificance. well, in the end, either he noticed that he couldn't shake me, or my calm answer to his silly question embarrassed him. 

too exhausted, i decided to meet my favorite animal. steak! 

but then again, i'm two fold. so i turned on my computer and started listening to bro. don's 'he that overcometh.'

double feast!


Nikki 11/10/10  

mm, you should take a vacation then. woow. i love what you did to yer boss :D haha.

philippine time

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